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Zebra Tires New Zealand

Tony Allen Auto Service Ltd – Manukau- Kumho

Tony Allen Auto Service Ltd


Tony Allen Auto Service Ltd

Phone: +64 800 100876

Tyres Brands: Dunlop, Goodyear, Pirelli, Yokohama, Kumho.

Pirelli tyresDunlop TyresGoodyear tyres Kumho tyres

Address: 139 Cavendish Drive, Papatoetoe, Auckland

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 07:30 – 17:00, Saturday: 8:00-12:00, Sunday: Close.

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Manukau is a city in the Auckland Region, on the North Island of New Zealand. It is a relatively young city, its population is 368,500 inhabitants (estimated as of June 2009), it is the third largest city in New Zealand.

The name Manukau is of Maori origin. In Manukau is the Auckland International Airport, where 1,700,000 visitors enter New Zealand each year, it is 25 minutes from downtown Auckland, New Zealand’s North Island.

Average weather in Manukau City
In Manukau City, the summers are comfortable, the winters are cold and wet, and it is windy and partly cloudy year-round. During the course of the year, the temperature generally ranges from 8°C to 24°C and rarely drops below 3°C or rises above 26°C.

Westfield Manukau City. Westfield Manukau City is a major shopping center located in the Auckland suburb of Manukau. It is the ninth largest shopping center in New Zealand with a total area of ​​36,793 m².

Tyre in Manukau

There are an estimated 285.000 vehicles in Manukau, which means there are 1.425.000 tyres on the road.

Manukau is a city in the Auckland region of the North Island of New Zealand. It is a relatively young city and the name Manukau is of Maori origin. It is home to Auckland International Airport, through which 1.7 million visitors enter New Zealand each year.

▷ Kumho Tires

Kumho Tyres History

The history of Kumho Tires begins in 1960 in South Korea, its name translates to “bright lake” and it has been its philosophy in the creation of its products, giving users a great experience when driving their vehicles. Kumho Tires has done a short time, what has taken place in the tire sector for a long time and this can be seen in the fact that Kumho is one of the 10 tire manufacturers in the world, and currently has more than 7 factories located in South Korea, Vietnam, China and the United States where tires are produced.

Kumho Tires invests a large part of its earnings in technology development always to surprise users with new products. Kumho Tires apart from manufacturing tires for automobiles, crossovers, sports vehicles, vans, light trucks and commercial, Kumho also produces tires for racing vehicles. Kumho offers a wide variety of ranges for all tastes. Ecsta for high performance, Solus and Sense for touring, Crugen and Road Venture light trucks and vans.

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